(config)# ip cef /新版IOS都需開啟
(config)# ip flow-capture ip-id /顯示出Flow IP
(config)# ip flow-top-talkers /設定顯示前幾筆流量
(config-flow-top-talkers)# top 4 /自訂顯示筆數
(config-flow-top-talkers)# sort-by byte /排序方式
(config)# ip flow-cache timeout active [1-60] /預設30分鐘歸零一次
(config)# ip flow-export destination [IP address] [UDP Port] /輸出目的IP及UDP Port
(config)# ip flow-export source loopback 0 /輸出所帶的來源IP or 介面
(config)# ip flow-export version 5 /flow輸出版本,版本有1、5、9
(config)#interface gigabitethernet 1/1
(config-if)#ip flow egress /介面流出流量
(config-if)#ip flow ingress /介面流入流量
(config)#interface vlan254
(config-if)#ip flow egress /介面流出流量
(config-if)#ip flow ingress /介面流入流量
clear ip flow stats
sh ip cache flow
IP packet size distribution (4747587 total packets):
1-32 64 96 128 160 192 224 256 288 320 352 384 416 448 480
.000 .443 .033 .005 .003 .008 .005 .003 .004 .003 .005 .005 .004 .003 .002
512 544 576 1024 1536 2048 2560 3072 3584 4096 4608
.002 .002 .037 .024 .400 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000
IP Flow Switching Cache, 278544 bytes
0 active, 4096 inactive, 0 added
0 ager polls, 0 flow alloc failures
Active flows timeout in 30 minutes
Inactive flows timeout in 15 seconds
last clearing of statistics never
Protocol Total Flows Packets Bytes Packets Active(Sec) Idle(Sec)
-------- Flows /Sec /Flow /Pkt /Sec /Flow /Flow
TCP-Telnet 16 0.0 6 40 0.0 2.6 16.1
TCP-FTP 2282 0.0 6 57 0.0 3.3 5.8
TCP-FTPD 232 0.0 5 244 0.0 0.4 4.1
TCP-WWW 273886 0.0 11 725 0.7 2.9 5.9
TCP-SMTP 1770 0.0 11 713 0.0 9.4 13.7
TCP-X 1 0.0 4 140 0.0 0.1 4.3
TCP-BGP 7 0.0 1 40 0.0 0.0 4.4
TCP-other 8102 0.0 41 350 0.0 18.7 9.7
UDP-DNS 8304 0.0 1 64 0.0 2.9 17.2
UDP-other 15320 0.0 4 105 0.0 6.3 17.2
ICMP 1787 0.0 6 72 0.0 3.7 17.2
Total: 311707 0.0 11 671 0.8 3.5 7.0
SrcIf SrcIPaddress DstIf DstIPaddress Pr TOS Flgs Pkts
Port Msk AS Port Msk AS NextHop B/Pk Active
Switch#config t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Switch(config)#ip route-cache flow
Switch(config)#ip flow-export destination 9991
Switch(config)#ip flow-export version 5
Switch#show ip flow export
Flow export is enabled
Exporting flows to (9991)
Exporting using source IP address
Version 5 flow records
2 flows exported in 1 udp datagrams
0 flows failed due to lack of export packet
0 export packets were sent up to process level
0 export packets were dropped due to no fib
0 export packets were dropped due to adjacency issues
0 export packets were dropped due to fragmentation failures
0 export packets were dropped due to encapsulation fixup failures